The Ruddington Medical Centre

Registered with the CQC


Registeration Date

Maps image of The Ruddington Medical Centre

Phone Number


Local Authority





East Midlands

Postal Address

Church Street, Nottingham

Postal Code

NG11 6HD

Regulated Activities

Maternity and midwifery services

Code: RA11

Family planning

Code: RA15

Treatment of disease, disorder or injury

Code: RA5

Surgical procedures

Code: RA7

Diagnostic and screening procedures

Code: RA8

Inspection categories

GP Practices

Code: P2


Name Positive Neutral Negitive
Chairs 0 0 0
Palliative 3 0 0
Nurse 5 32 0
Receptionist 0 2 0
Monitoring 5 0 0
Lift 0 0 0
Activities 1 4 0
End of Life Care 2 0 0
Clinical Audit 1 0 0
Clinical Supervision 0 0 0
Health and Safety 0 0 0
Cleaning Service 1 0 0
Elderly 1 0 0
Medicines 0 8 0

Types of Care

Name Positive Neutral Negitive
Bipolar 0 2 0
Depression 1 4 0
Schizophrenia 0 2 0
Dementia 5 22 0
Learning disabilities 4 16 0
Hearing Impairment 1 0 0
Arthritis 0 2 0
Asthma 0 8 0
Cancer 0 6 0
Diabetes 0 14 0
Epilepsy 1 0 0
Stroke 0 2 0
Antibiotic 1 0 0
Fillings 0 2 0
Disability 5 18 0
Flu 3 16 0
Blood Pressure 0 0 0
Mental Health 7 36 0
Vaccine 0 2 0
Rheumatoid 0 2 0


Name Positive Neutral Negitive
Privacy 3 0 0
Safety 7 32 0
Abuse 3 0 0
Control of Infection 1 22 0
Diet 0 24 0
Visitors 1 0 0
Signage 0 4 0
Support 16 56 0
Equality 1 8 0
Complaints 1 8 0
Governance 1 6 0
Quality Improvement 2 0 0
Quality of Care 1 6 0