Sunvalley Medical Practice located in Oldham

Sunvalley Medical Practice is a care provider located at 137 Glodwick Road, Oldham, Lancashire, North West, OL4 1YN. This care provider has been registered since June of 2020. The provider was commissioned by NHS Oldham CCG and the constituency is Oldham East and Saddleworth. The CQC reports that the provider has . The care provider is owned by Hope Citadel Healthcare Community Interest Company and has 11 other locations

Where are they located?


137 Glodwick Road,


Lancashire, North West, OL4 1YN


Maps image of Sunvalley Medical Practice

Care Provided by Sunvalley Medical Practice

Type of Service

Doctors consultation service

Privately Owned

Admission Information

Services for everyone

Company Information

Person in charge

Dr Laura Neilson - (Registered Manager)

Local Authority / Social Services

Oldham County Council

Meet the Team

Get to know the staff working at Sunvalley Medical Practice

Laura Neilson

Dr Laura Neilson

Registered Manager