Jarvis Medical Practice located in Oldham

2 Jarvis Medical Practice Inspection 22 July 2022• Patients received effective care and treatment that met their needs.• Staff dealt with patients with dignity and respect and included them in decisions about their care.• During the Covid-19 pandemic the practice adapted how it delivered services for patients to meet their needs, in a timely manner. Patients could access care and treatment in a suitable way.• The style and management approach of the practice supported the delivery of quality, personalised care.

Jarvis Medical Practice is a care provider located at Glodwick Primary Care Centre, Oldham, Lancs, North West, OL4 1YN. This care provider has been registered since December of 2021. The provider was commissioned by NHS Oldham CCG and the constituency is Oldham East and Saddleworth. The provider has been rated as Good by the CQC during July of 2022. The CQC reports that the provider has 4 specialist facilities and 4 unique safeguarding measures. The care provider is owned by Hope Citadel Healthcare Community Interest Company and has 11 other locations

Where are they located?


Glodwick Primary Care Centre,


Lancs, North West, OL4 1YN


Maps image of Jarvis Medical Practice

Care Provided by Jarvis Medical Practice

Type of Service

Doctors consultation service

Privately Owned

Admission Information

Services for everyone

Company Information

Person in charge

Dr Laura Neilson - (Registered Manager)

Local Authority / Social Services

Oldham County Council

Care Quality Information from the CQC

Report Date: 2022-07-28

View Latest CQC Report
Overall Score - Good











Meet the Team

Get to know the staff working at Jarvis Medical Practice

Laura Neilson

Dr Laura Neilson

Registered Manager


See Facilities Report
Name Positive Neutral Negitive
Nurse 1 0 0
Monitoring 1 0 0
Activities 0 2 0
Infection Prevention and Control 0 0 0


See Safety Report
Name Positive Neutral Negitive
Diet 0 1 0
Support 1 0 0
Governance 1 0 0
Quality of Care 2 0 0