Types of Facilities


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"• There were arrangements for planning and monitoring the number and mix of staff needed for example the practice introduced an advanced nurse practitioner to increase the availability of on the day appointments and treat minor ailments."


"They had started to address some of the concerns raised by patients via the national GP survey and feedback by introducing an advanced nurse practitioner who offered on the day appointments to treat minor ailments and adapting the appointment system to offer more on the day access."


"Multiple conditions were reviewed at one appointment we noted these could be up to an hour with a nurse for those with the most complex needs."



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"• Staff encouraged and supported patients to be involved in monitoring and managing their health."


"• There were arrangements for planning and monitoring the number and mix of staff needed for example the practice introduced an advanced nurse practitioner to increase the availability of on the day appointments and treat minor ailments."


"• Staff were aware of and involved in the development and monitoring of the vision they understood the values and strategy and their role in achieving them."


"It is based on a combination of what we found when we inspected information from our ongoing monitoring of data about services and information given to us from the provider patients the public and other organisations."


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"The group aimed to improve the men’s wellbeing and provide friendship and improve selfesteem though the gardening and maintenance project Sheds and beds."


"• Plans were in place and funding had been secured by patients participating in the men’s group to expand the garden to enable activities all year round including more DIY projects as well as continuing to develop more cooking activates."


"The group has developed to the point where men from the group can work in the garden at any time after some of the men involved in the group supported the practice to apply for funding for more gardening equipment including a greenhouse and shed."


"The practice also had a community room and garden from which they delivered a range of groups and hosted community initiatives."


"An area within the garden was also being developed to enable patients from different culturalethnic backgrounds to grow fruit and vegetables more familiar to them."


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"The group provided a range of creative activities and was facilitated by the focused care worker."


"• Plans were in place and funding had been secured by patients participating in the men’s group to expand the garden to enable activities all year round including more DIY projects as well as continuing to develop more cooking activates."


"• Practice leaders had established proper policies procedures and activities to ensure safety and assured themselves that they were operating as intended."

End of Life Care

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"• The practice ensured that end of life care was delivered in a coordinated way which took into account the needs of different patients including those who may be vulnerable because of their circumstances."

Clinical Supervision

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"This included an induction process onetoone meetings appraisals coaching and mentoring clinical supervision and support for revalidation."


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"The practice learned from external safety events as well as patient and medicine safety alerts."


"Exception reporting is the removal of patients from QOF calculations where for example the patients decline or do not respond to invitations to attend a review of their condition or when a medicine is not appropriate."