Types of Facilities


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"These included clinicians focussed care practitioners and meetings such as palliative care meetings where community nurses and health visitors attended."


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"The practice nurse told us this put mothers more at ease as they did not have to change consultation rooms or have to spend time dressing their babies inbetween consultations. . Effective staffing Staff had the skills knowledge and experience to deliver effective care and treatment."


"The focussed care practitioner is a nurse who looks at the holistic needs of patients liaising with other services to ensure the best outcomes for patients."


"The lead nurse for asthma carried out reviews for patients during the summer months encouraging attendance with the slogan “Summer reviews save winter blues”."


"• Where a patient’s mental capacity to consent to care or treatment was unclear the GP or practice nurse assessed the patient’s capacity and recorded the outcome of the assessment."


"For example eight week baby checks with the nurse and GP were coordinated to make it more relaxed for the mother and ensure the baby was only changed once to avoid extra expense of nappies."


"During our visit we: • Spoke with a range of staff including GPs a nurse the focussed care practitioner a counsellor the practice manager and administrative and reception staff."


"The practice had recognised that some new mothers were apprehensive about their babies’ eight week checkups with the nurse and GP."


"Two patients in particular told us about how the focussed care practitioner a nurse had helped them and their families."


"The clinical director was the infection control clinical lead with a practice nurse taking day to day responsibility for the practice."


"They had changed their process so the appointment was with the nurse and the GP attended that appointment following the nurse checks."



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"Management monitoring and improving outcomes for people The practice used the information collected for the Quality and Outcomes Framework QOF and performance against national screening programmes to monitor outcomes for patients."


"• There were procedures in place for monitoring and managing risks to patient and staff safety."


"It is based on a combination of what we found when we inspected information from our ongoing monitoring of data about services and information given to us from the provider patients the public and other organisations."


"• Arrangements were in place for planning and monitoring the number of staff and mix of staff needed to meet patients’ needs."


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"▪ Hill Top Growers; a gardening group initially set up for diabetic patients but all patients could join in."


"• The practice held a gardening group Hill Top Growers that had been set up for patients with diabetes."


"▪ Hill Top Growers; a gardening group set up for diabetic patients but all patients could join in."


"These included a group for young isolated mothers Hilltop Growers a gardening group that started as a group for patients with diabetes a children’s group and a social group for older patients."


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"All staff were actively engaged in activities to monitor and improve quality and outcomes."

End of Life Care

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"Gold standard framework meetings where end of life care was discussed took place every three months."


"For example: • Patients receiving end of life care carers those at risk of developing a longterm condition and those requiring advice on their diet smoking and alcohol cessation and other social issues."

Clinical Supervision

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"This included ongoing support onetoone meetings coaching and mentoring clinical supervision and facilitation and support for revalidating GPs."

Health and Safety

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"There was a health and safety policy available with a poster which identified local health and safety representatives."


"The practice manager had a health and safety checklist that was completed fortnightly."


"This covered such topics as safeguarding infection prevention and control fire safety health and safety and confidentiality."

Infection Prevention and Control

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"This covered such topics as safeguarding infection prevention and control fire safety health and safety and confidentiality."

Cleaning Service

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"The cleaning manager also carried out a monthly cleaning audit."


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"These included being involved in a joint working pilot with the local authority and a pilot for psychological medicine working with the Royal Oldham Hospital looking at how abuse affected behaviour."


"The practice had an inhouse drug worker and a focussed care worker and they provided evidence that this use of medicine was reducing partly due to short prescriptions being issued."