Types of Care


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"The practice had been certified as ‘dementia friendly’ following external assessment and all staff had received dementia awareness training."


"For example larger named photographs of all practice team members in reception and the running of a dementia awareness of day for patients."


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"• The practice was currently involved in a large paediatric asthma review project with medical students and paediatric registrars."


"The practice was currently involved in a large paediatric asthma review project with medical students and paediatric registrars."


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"The practice also encouraged its patients to attend national screening programmes for bowel and breast cancer screening."



Blood Pressure

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"Examples included formal training in mental health ring pessary fitting spirometry ambulatory blood pressure monitoring ABPM and near patient testing."

Mental Health

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"For example: • Patients receiving end of life care carers those at risk of developing a longterm condition and those requiring advice on their diet smoking and alcohol cessation and those in at risk groups including vulnerable children and adults patients with learning disabilities and mental health problems."


"• Staff had a good understanding of how to support patients with mental health needs and dementia."


"The population groups are: • Older people • People with longterm conditions • Families children and young people • Working age people including those recently retired and students • People whose circumstances may make them vulnerable • People experiencing poor mental health including people with dementia."


"In addition patients could be referred or self refer to a mental health charity for support information advice and guidance to assist them with stress related andor mental health conditions to retain their current employment or access work opportunities."


"• The practice regularly worked with multidisciplinary teams in the case management of patients experiencing poor mental health including those with dementia."


"The practice worked with paediatric consultants at a local NHS acute trust to run a regular paediatric hub clinic attended by paediatricians mental health workers dieticians health visitors local GPs and school nurses."


"Examples included formal training in mental health ring pessary fitting spirometry ambulatory blood pressure monitoring ABPM and near patient testing."


"• Performance for QOF mental health related indicators was above the CCG but below the national average."


"• The practice had told patients experiencing poor mental health about how to access various support groups and voluntary organisations."


"• The practice worked with paediatric consultants to run a regular paediatric hub clinic attended by paediatricians mental health workers dieticians health visitors local GPs and school nurses."