Types of Facilities


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"• The practice had employed a senior district nurse care coordinator who visited patients to ensure they received the best possible support and prevent unplanned admissions."


"• The nurse care coordinator oversaw the care of those living in the community with dementia."


"The GPs are supported by four female salaried GPs a nurse practitioner four practice nurses female two healthcare assistants female a practice manager supported by an assistant practice manager head of administration and reception as well as two heads of department dispensary and nursing."


"The practice nurse was the infection control clinical lead who liaised with the local infection prevention teams to keep up to date with best practice."


"• Where a patient’s mental capacity to consent to care or treatment was unclear the GP or practice nurse assessed the patient’s capacity and recorded the outcome of the assessment."


"This was an area where the practice saw future involvement for their nurse care coordinator."



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"Management monitoring and improving outcomes for people The practice used the information collected for the Quality and Outcomes Framework QOF and performance against national screening programmes to monitor outcomes for patients."


"High risk medicines requiring closer monitoring were not issued on a repeat prescription."


"• Controlled drugs CDs – medicines with potential for misuse requiring special storage and closer monitoring were managed according to CD regulations."


"• There were procedures for monitoring and managing risks to patient and staff safety."


"It is based on a combination of what we found when we inspected information from our ongoing monitoring of data about services and information given to us from the provider patients the public and other organisations."


"• There were arrangements for the planning and monitoring the number of staff and mix of staff needed to meet patients’ needs."



End of Life Care

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"For example: • Patients receiving end of life care carers and those at risk of developing a longterm condition."

Clinical Governance

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"There was a subsidiary range of meetings including business meetings clinical governance meetings nurses and supervisors meetings administrators and receptionists meetings."

Clinical Supervision

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"This included ongoing support onetoone meetings coaching and mentoring clinical supervision and facilitation and support for revalidating GPs."

Health and Safety

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"There was a health and safety policy available with a poster in the reception office which identified local health and safety representatives."


"This covered such topics as safeguarding infection prevention and control fire safety awareness health and safety and confidentiality."

Infection Prevention and Control

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"This covered such topics as safeguarding infection prevention and control fire safety awareness health and safety and confidentiality."


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"One of the aims of the “Wye Shed Project” was to try and combat loneliness in the elderly and to reach out to men who were not always the easiest to engage with and could shy away from medical and social initiatives."


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"One high risk medicine e.g. methotrexate a medicine used to treat rheumatoid arthritis was stored separately in the dispensary as a safety measure."


"Information about patients’ outcomes was used to make improvements such as routinely reviewing patients on a certain medicine which had adverse cardiac heart side effects."


"It is used to see internal body structures • Podiatry clinic hosted monthly the branch of medicine that deals with the diagnosis treatment and prevention of diseases of the human foot • Counsellor hosted weekly All of these consultant led clinics were fully integrated with secondary care."


"For example recent action taken as a result included assessing a patient’s kidney function in oral anticoagulant prescribing blood thinning medicines and a ‘dosing in reduced kidney function chart’ had been developed to aid prescribers in choosing a medicine and deciding the dosage."