Types of Facilities


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"• Where a patient’s mental capacity to consent to care or treatment was unclear the GP or practice nurse assessed the patient’s capacity and recorded the outcome of the assessment."


"• Telephone consultations were available two mornings each week with a GP or a nurse for patients unable to attend the surgery and did not require a face to face appointment."


"• A district nurse chaired a multidisciplinary team meeting monthly which the practice attended with a social worker to discuss concerns regarding vulnerable adults."


"During our visit we: • Spoke with a range of staff three GP partners a nurse a health care assistant the practice manager the operations manager dispensary staff and members of the administrative team and spoke with patients who used the service."


"For example: • Patients receiving end of life care carers those at risk of developing a longterm condition were supported by the nurse team invited to attend special education events for example a diabetes education event or were signposted to other relevant services."


"The practice worked with the community diabetic nurse to support the patients whose condition was difficult to manage."


"These visits would be carried out by a GP a nurse practitioner or the assistant practitioner."


"• A community consultant psychiatrist and access to a specialist nurse was available one day a week."


"The GPs are supported by two nurse practitioners a minor illness nurse three practice nursesan assistant practitioner and a phlebotomist."


"These were carried out by a GP the nurse practitioner or the assistant practitioner."


"This was hosted by district nurses and attended by a GP and nurse from the practice along with a social worker."


"• The practice held multi disciplinary meeting with school nurse health visitors community school vaccination team and social worker to discuss safeguarding concerns and to review children’s A&E attendances."


"Staff who administered vaccines could demonstrate how they stayed up to date with changes to the immunisation programmes for example by discussion at practice and nurse meetings."


"A community consultant psychiatrist and a specialist nurse carried out a clinic in the practice once a week."



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"Management monitoring and improving outcomes for people The practice used the information collected for the Quality and Outcomes Framework QOF and performance against national screening programmes to monitor outcomes for patients."


"For example on receipt of an alert regarding blood testing strips for monitoring diabetes the practice passed the alert to the dispensary staff for them to check patients affected."


"• There were procedures in place for monitoring and managing risks to patient and staff safety."


"It is based on a combination of what we found when we inspected information from our ongoing monitoring of data about services and information given to us from the provider patients the public and other organisations."


"• Arrangements were in place for planning and monitoring the number of staff and skill mix of staff needed to meet patients’ needs this was managed by the patient services manager."


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"There is a car park to the front of the surgery with adequate disabled parking available."


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"The group held an annual general meeting where they reviewed the last years activities and elected new members in key positions on the group."


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"The practice had information in folders and displayed on television screens for carers and community support groups for patients."

End of Life Care

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"For example: • Patients receiving end of life care carers those at risk of developing a longterm condition were supported by the nurse team invited to attend special education events for example a diabetes education event or were signposted to other relevant services."

Clinical Supervision

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"This included ongoing support onetoone meetings coaching and mentoring clinical supervision and facilitation and support for revalidating GPs."

Health and Safety

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"There was a health and safety policy available with a poster in the reception office which identified local health and safety representatives."


"This covered such topics as safeguarding infection prevention and control fire safety health and safety and confidentiality."

Infection Prevention and Control

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"This covered such topics as safeguarding infection prevention and control fire safety health and safety and confidentiality."


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"• The practice supported frail elderly patients in local nursing and residential homes."
